1. Bayer公司是一家全球知名的制药公司。(Bayer is a globally renowned pharmaceutical company.)
2. 她的姓氏是Bayer,她来自德国慕尼黑。(Her surname is Bayer and she comes from Munich, Germany.)
3. Bayer家族在巴伐利亚生活了数百年。(The Bayer family has been living in Bavaria for hundreds of years.)
4. 我们的老板是一个叫做Peter Bayer的德国人。(Our boss is a German named Peter Bayer.)
5. Bayer先生正在负责这个项目。(Mr. Bayer is in charge of this project.)
6. 这种药物是由Bayer公司研发的。(This drug was developed by Bayer.)
7. 许多人不知道Bayer公司也制造农药。(Many people don't know that Bayer also produces pesticides.)
8. 这个地方是Bayer家族的祖居。(This place is the ancestral home of the Bayer family.)
9. Bayer公司在去年发布了一份可持续发展报告。(Bayer released a sustainability report last year.)