infant是什么意思 infant的读音、翻译、用法

infant是什么意思 infant的读音、翻译、用法



1. The infant was crying loudly for food.(婴儿哭着要食物。)

2. The doctors were able to save the life of the premature infant.(医生们成功地挽救了早产儿的生命。)

3. The mother carefully cradled her infant in her arms.(母亲将她的婴儿小心翼翼地抱在怀里。)

4. The infant's first words were "mama" and "dada".(婴儿第一次说的词语是“妈妈”和“爸爸”。)

5. The hospital has a special unit for premature infants.(医院设有专门的早产儿病房。)

6. The infant was wrapped tightly in a warm blanket.(婴儿用温暖的毛毯紧紧包裹着。)

7. The mother was worried about her infant's fever.(母亲担心她的婴儿发烧了。)

8. The infant's first tooth appeared when he was six months old.(婴儿六个月大时长出了第一颗牙齿。)

9. The infant was fascinated by the colorful mobile hanging above his crib.(婴儿对挂在他婴儿床上的多彩流动玩具着迷。)

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