1. 'Juniperus virginiana'是拉丁语,表示美国红雪松。
2. 美国红雪松,又称为东部红雪松或香柏松,是常绿针叶树,分布在北美洲的东部和中部地区。
3. 例句:
- Juniperus virginiana is a popular ornamental tree in the United States.(美国红雪松是美国常见的观赏树种。)
- The essential oil extracted from Juniperus virginiana is used in aromatherapy.(从美国红雪松提取的精油被用于芳香疗法。)
- Juniperus virginiana is commonly used to make cedarwood oil.(美国红雪松常被用来制作雪松木油。)
- The leaves of Juniperus virginiana are used in traditional medicine to treat respiratory problems.(美国红雪松叶子被用于传统医学中治疗呼吸道问题。)
- Juniperus virginiana is a slow-growing tree that can live for hundreds of years.(美国红雪松是一种生长缓慢的树种,可以活上几百年。)
- The wood of Juniperus virginiana is highly valued for its durability and resistance to decay.(美国红雪松木材因其耐久性和抗腐性而备受推崇。)
- Juniperus virginiana has a distinctive aroma that is often used in perfumes and soaps.(美国红雪松具有独特的香气,常被用于香水和肥皂中。)
- The berries of Juniperus virginiana are used as a spice in some cuisines.(美国红雪松果实被用作一些菜肴的香料。)
- Juniperus virginiana is an important species for wildlife, providing habitat and food for many animals.(美国红雪松是野生动物的重要物种,为许多动物提供栖息地和食物。)