1. Piperine is responsible for the pungency of black pepper.(Piperine是黑胡椒的辣味成分。)
2. The piperine in white pepper is less pungent than that in black pepper.(白胡椒中的胡椒素比黑胡椒中的胡椒素较少辣。)
3. Piperine can help to improve digestion.(胡椒素可以帮助改善消化。)
4. Piperine is used in some weight loss supplements.(胡椒素被用于一些减肥补充剂中。)
5. Piperine can enhance the bioavailability of certain drugs.(胡椒素可以增强某些药物的生物利用度。)
6. Piperine has antioxidant properties.(胡椒素具有抗氧化性质。)
7. Piperine may have anti-inflammatory effects.(胡椒素可能具有抗炎作用。)
8. The piperine content of pepper decreases with prolonged storage.(胡椒素的含量会随着长时间存储而降低。)
9. Piperine is found in other spices, such as long pepper and chili peppers.(胡椒素也存在于其他香料中,如长辣椒和辣椒。)