'ECL'不是一个国家的语言,它是英文词汇"Extended Conditional Logistic"的缩写,意思是“扩展条件逻辑回归”。在医学、统计学等学科中常用到ECL。
1. We used ECL to analyze the association between smoking and lung cancer.(我们使用扩展条件逻辑回归来分析吸烟与肺癌的关系。)
2. The results of ECL showed that age is an important predictor of heart disease.(扩展条件逻辑回归的结果显示,年龄是心脏病的重要预测因素。)
3. ECL is a useful tool for predicting the risk of developing diabetes.(扩展条件逻辑回归是预测患糖尿病风险的有用工具。)
4. ECL can also be used to study the relationship between environmental factors and disease.(扩展条件逻辑回归还可用于研究环境因素与疾病之间的关系。)
5. ECL has been applied in many areas of research, including genetics and psychology.(扩展条件逻辑回归已经应用于许多研究领域,包括遗传学和心理学。)
6. The use of ECL can help identify risk factors for cardiovascular disease.(使用扩展条件逻辑回归可以帮助识别心血管疾病的风险因素。)
7. ECL is a powerful tool for analyzing complex data sets.(扩展条件逻辑回归是分析复杂数据集的强大工具。)
8. Researchers often use ECL to investigate the effects of different treatments on disease outcomes.(研究人员常常使用扩展条件逻辑回归来研究不同治疗方法对疾病结果的影响。)
9. ECL is widely used in epidemiology to study disease risk factors in populations.(扩展条件逻辑回归在流行病学中被广泛用于研究人群中的疾病危险因素。)