1. The group of travelers were so fascinated by the culture in Italy that they experienced complete immersion in the local lifestyle.(这群旅行者对意大利文化深感着迷,他们完全沉浸在当地的生活方式中。)
2. In order to learn French, I decided to move to France and surround myself with the language for complete immersion.(为了学法语,我决定搬到法国,让自己完全沉浸在这种语言环境中。)
3. The virtual reality headset provided a stunning immersion experience for the gamers.(虚拟现实头戴设备为玩家提供了令人惊叹的身临其境的游戏体验。)
4. The author's writing style is so immersive that it feels like you are in the story.(作者的写作风格非常引人入胜,让人有置身于故事之中的感觉。)
5. The language students spent a month in a Spanish-speaking country for total immersion in the language.(语言学生们在一个说西班牙语的国家度过一个月,完全沉浸在这种语言环境中。)
6. The art exhibit was a complete immersion in the artist's world, with each piece telling a story.(这个艺术展览是对艺术家世界的完全沉浸,每个作品都讲述了一个故事。)
7. The video game's graphics and sound effects provided an immersive experience for the players.(这个视频游戏的图像和音效为玩家提供了身临其境的游戏体验。)
8. The concert-goers were completely immersed in the music, swaying and singing along.(观众们完全沉浸在音乐中,随着音乐摇摆和唱歌。)
9. The immersive theater performance had the audience participate in the story, blurring the line between performers and spectators.(身临其境的剧场表演让观众参与到故事中,模糊了演员和观众之间的界限。)