tribut是什么意思 tribut的读音、翻译、用法

tribut是什么意思 tribut的读音、翻译、用法



1. China demanded that its tributary states pay tribute every year.(中国要求其藩属国每年缴纳贡品。)

2. The conquered king was required to pay tributeto the victorious emperor.(被征服的国王需要向胜利的皇帝纳贡。)

3. The indigenous population paid tribute in the form of goods and services to the colonial authorities.(土著人口以商品和服务的形式向殖民当局纳贡。)

4. The ancient Egyptians demanded tributefrom neighboring lands.(古埃及人向邻近的土地征收赋税。)

5. The Aztec empire required its subjects to pay tributewith food and gold.(阿兹特克帝国要求其臣民以食品和金子为贡品。)

6. The Mongol conquerors demanded tributefrom the Russian principalities.(蒙古征服者向俄罗斯诸侯国征收贡品。)

7. The Roman empire received tribute from its conquered territories.(罗马帝国从其征服的领土收取赋税。)

8. The British East India Company required the Indian states to pay tribute.(英国东印度公司要求印度诸邦缴纳贡品。)

9. The Greek city-states paid tribute to the Delian League.(希腊城邦向德里安同盟支付贡品。)

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