1. Mentha piperita 是一种常见的薄荷品种,通常被用来制作口香糖和牙膏。(Mentha piperita is a common variety of mint, often used to make gum and toothpaste.)
2. 这种茶是由蔓越莓和薄荷混合而成的。(This tea is a blend of cranberries and mint.)
3. 我喜欢在我的薄荷茶中加一些蜂蜜。(I like to add some honey to my mint tea.)
4. 薄荷油可以用来缓解头痛和消化不良。(Mint oil can be used to alleviate headaches and indigestion.)
5. 薄荷糖是一种受欢迎的糖果,因为它能让你的口气变得清新。(Mint candy is a popular treat because it leaves your breath feeling fresh.)
6. 这个机器人用薄荷和柠檬的气味来为家里增加清香。(This robot uses the scents of mint and lemon to add freshness to your home.)
7. 薄荷茶可以舒缓身体和放松心情。(Mint tea can soothe the body and relax the mind.)
8. 汤中加入少许薄荷可以增添香味和味道。(Adding a little bit of mint to soup can add flavor and aroma.)
9. 这种口香糖的味道像是混合了薄荷和葡萄的味道。(This gum tastes like a mix of mint and grape.)