1. The viewbox of this SVG image is set to 0 0 100 100. (这个SVG图像的视窗设置为0 0 100 100。)
2. The viewbox determines the visible portion of the SVG image. (视窗确定SVG图像的可见部分。)
3. The viewbox attribute can be set for any SVG element. (视窗属性可以为任何SVG元素设置。)
4. The viewbox allows you to zoom in or out of the SVG image. (视窗允许您缩放SVG图像。)
5. The viewbox coordinates are relative to the SVG canvas. (视窗坐标相对于SVG画布。)
6. The viewbox is a crucial element in responsive SVG design. (视窗是响应式SVG设计中的关键元素。)
7. The viewbox can also be used to crop the SVG image. (视窗还可用于裁剪SVG图像。)
8. The viewbox can be manipulated using CSS or JavaScript. (视窗可使用CSS或JavaScript进行操作。)
9. The viewbox is essential for creating scalable SVG graphics. (视窗对于创建可缩放的SVG图形至关重要。)