Gongsun Zan是什么意思 Gongsun Zan的读音、翻译、用法

Gongsun Zan是什么意思 Gongsun Zan的读音、翻译、用法

'Gongsun Zan'源于中文,是三国时期著名的将领之一,常被翻译为公孙瓒。他曾经统治幽州,与袁绍合作抵御外敌,在对抗曹操的战争中表现出色。'Gongsun Zan'是中国历史上重要的人物之一,常被提及于史书、小说和电影中。

以下是9个含有“Gongsun Zan”的例句:

1. 公孙瓒统领幽州时期,大力发展各项经济,使得当地百姓安居乐业。

(Gongsun Zan was in charge of Youzhou and vigorously developed the economy, making the local people live and work in peace and contentment.)

2. 曹操在赤壁之战中击败了联军,公孙瓒因此与袁绍翻脸。

(Cao Cao defeated the allied forces at the Battle of Red Cliffs, causing a rift between Gongsun Zan and Yuan Shao.)

3. 公孙瓒率兵千余人,夜袭曹军粮仓,大获全胜。

(Gongsun Zan led more than a thousand troops to launch a night attack on Cao Cao's grain depot and won a complete victory.)

4. 公孙瓒的武艺高强,箭术尤为出众。

(Gongsun Zan was highly skilled in martial arts, especially in archery.)

5. 公孙瓒与吕布多次交锋,都没有分出胜负。

(Gongsun Zan fought against Lu Bu several times, but neither side emerged victorious.)

6. 公孙瓒的治军之道,为后人所称颂。

(Gongsun Zan's military strategy was praised by later generations.)

7. 公孙瓒喜好收集珍奇异兽。

(Gongsun Zan liked to collect rare and exotic animals.)

8. 公孙瓒留下了许多经典典籍,对中国文化的发展产生了深远的影响。

(Gongsun Zan left many classic books, which had a profound influence on the development of Chinese culture.)

9. 公孙瓒是中国历史上著名的将领之一,其事迹被后人广泛传颂。

(Gongsun Zan is one of the famous generals in Chinese history, and his deeds are widely praised by later generations.)

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