CTR是什么意思 CTR的读音、翻译、用法

CTR是什么意思 CTR的读音、翻译、用法

CTR是英语中的缩写,全称为Click-Through Rate,翻译为“点击率”。它是指广告展示次数与点击次数的比率,通常用于衡量广告的有效性和用户对广告的反应程度。CTR越高,表示广告对用户的吸引力越大,对品牌的宣传效果也越好。


1. The ad campaign's CTR was remarkably high, indicating strong user engagement.(广告推广活动的CTR非常高,表明用户参与度强。)

2. The email marketing campaign had a low CTR, suggesting the content failed to resonate with subscribers.(邮件营销活动的CTR很低,说明内容没能引起订阅者的共鸣。)

3. To increase the CTR of your Facebook ads, try using eye-catching visuals and a clear call-to-action.(为了提高Facebook广告的CTR,可以尝试使用引人注目的视觉元素和明确的行动号召。)

4. A great way to measure the success of your Google Ads campaign is by tracking CTR.(衡量Google广告活动的成功与否,一个绝佳的方法就是跟踪CTR。)

5. A low CTR may indicate that the ad placement is poorly targeted or the ad itself is not compelling.(低CTR可能表明广告定位不精准或广告本身不具有吸引力。)

6. It's important to continually monitor and optimize your ad campaigns to maintain a high CTR.(持续监测和优化广告活动至关重要,才能保持高CTR。)

7. A/B testing different ad variations can help identify the most effective copy and design for improving CTR.(A/B测试不同的广告变体可以帮助确定最有效的文案和设计,从而提高CTR。)

8. While a high CTR is important, it's not the only metric to consider when evaluating the success of your advertising efforts.(尽管高CTR很重要,但在评估广告效果时,还有其他指标需要考虑。)

9. By targeting specific demographics and using relevant keywords, you can improve the CTR of your PPC ads.(通过针对特定人群和使用相关关键词,可以提高PPC广告的CTR。)

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