Sisowath Monivong是什么意思 Sisowath Monivong的读音、翻译、用法

Sisowath Monivong是什么意思 Sisowath Monivong的读音、翻译、用法

'Sisowath Monivong'是柬埔寨的语言,翻译为“西莫农王”。它是柬埔寨历史上一位著名的国王,统治时期是从xx年到xx年。



1. Sisowath Monivong是一位在柬埔寨历史上极具影响力的国王。

Sisowath Monivong is a highly influential king in the history of Cambodia.

2. 柬埔寨金边的Sisowath Monivong大道以国王的名字命名。

Sisowath Monivong Boulevard in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, is named after the king.

3. Sisowath Monivong曾经推行过一系列改革,包括教育和军事改革。

Sisowath Monivong once implemented a series of reforms, including education and military reforms.

4. Sisowath Monivong在位期间,柬埔寨曾经经历了一段比较安定的时期。

During Sisowath Monivong's reign, Cambodia experienced a relatively stable period.

5. Sisowath Monivong是柬埔寨历史上最长寿的国王之一,享年xx岁。

Sisowath Monivong is one of the longest-lived kings in Cambodian history, living to the age of 84.

6. Sisowath Monivong在位期间,柬埔寨的宗教和文化得到了进一步的发展。

During Sisowath Monivong's reign, religion and culture in Cambodia further developed.

7. Sisowath Monivong国王是柬埔寨历史上最有影响力的国王之一。

King Sisowath Monivong is one of the most influential kings in Cambodian history.

8. Sisowath Monivong曾经参观过许多国家,为柬埔寨国家树立了更高的声誉。

Sisowath Monivong visited many countries and enhanced Cambodia's reputation on the international stage.

9. Sisowath Monivong是柬埔寨历史上重要的国家统一者之一,他通过各种手段巩固了国家的统一。

Sisowath Monivong is one of the important unifiers in Cambodian history, consolidating the unity of the country through various means.

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