AED是什么意思 AED的读音、翻译、用法

AED是什么意思 AED的读音、翻译、用法

'AED'这个词语来源于英语,是Automated External Defibrillator的缩写,意为自动体外除颤器。它是一种用于紧急救援时进行心肺复苏的设备,可以检测心脏的电活动,并在必要时发出电击以恢复正常心律。


1. Please bring the AED to the patient's location. (请把AED带到患者所在位置。)

2. The AED has voice prompts that help guide the rescuer. (AED具有语音提示,帮助指导救助者。)

3. The AED analyzed the victim's heart rhythm and advised a shock. (AED分析了受害者的心律,并建议进行电击。)

4. Training on how to use an AED is essential for all first responders. (所有急救人员都需要接受如何使用AED的培训。)

5. AEDs can be found in many public places such as airports, malls, and schools. (AED可在许多公共场所,如机场、商场和学校中找到。)

6. The AED pads should be placed on the victim's bare chest. (AED电极片应放置在受害者的裸露胸部。)

7. The AED will not shock someone who does not need it. (AED不会对不需要电击的人进行电击。)

8. AEDs have been shown to increase the chance of survival for cardiac arrest victims. (研究表明,AED可以增加心脏骤停患者的生存机会。)

9. Always call for emergency medical services in addition to using an AED. (使用AED时,始终要同时呼叫紧急医疗服务。)

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