pre是什么意思 pre的读音、翻译、用法

pre是什么意思 pre的读音、翻译、用法



1. prehistoric(史前的)- before recorded history

2. prelude(前奏)- a preliminary or introductory performance

3. prepay(预付)- to pay in advance

4. preposition(介词)- a word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word

5. prefix(前缀)- a letter or group of letters added at the beginning of a word to change its meaning

6. preface(前言)- a preliminary statement in a book by the author

7. preconceived(预先构思的)- formed in the mind before actual knowledge or experience


1. The restaurant offers a pre-theater menu for customers who are attending a show.(这家餐厅为那些要去看戏的顾客提供了一份餐前套餐。)

2. I always preheat the oven before putting in the cake batter.(我总是在放蛋糕面糊之前预热烤箱。)

3. The pre-colonial history of the Philippines is rich and diverse.(菲律宾的前殖民历史是丰富多彩的。)

4. The company offers a pre-tax benefits plan to its employees.(公司向员工提供税前福利计划。)

5. The pre-med program at the university prepares students for medical school.(这所大学的预医学项目为学生进医学院做好准备。)

6. The artist gave a pre-concert talk about his inspiration for the pieces he would be performing.(这位艺术家在音乐会前为观众介绍了他即将演奏的作品灵感来源。)

7. The pre-flight check is important to ensure the safety of all passengers.(机前检查对于确保所有乘客的安全很重要。)

8. The pre-war architecture in this city is beautiful and well-preserved.(这座城市的战前建筑既美丽又保存完好。)

9. The pre-existing condition clause in the new healthcare bill has sparked controversy.(新医保法案中的已有病史条款引发了争议。)

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