1. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of the page before using this website.(请在使用本网站之前阅读页面底部的免责声明。)
2. The opinions expressed in this article are strictly personal, and the writer takes no responsibility for their accuracy.(本文所表达的观点严格来说是个人观点,作者对其准确性不承担责任。)
3. Our company's warranty does not cover damage caused by misuse of the product, as stated in the disclaimer.(如免责声明所述,我们公司的保修不包括因产品误用导致的损坏。)
4. The information provided in this manual is for reference only and is subject to change without notice. Please refer to the disclaimer for more information.(本手册提供的信息仅供参考,如有更改恕不另行通知,请查看免责声明以获取更多信息。)
5. The author of this book is not liable for any damages or injuries resulting from the use of the information contained herein, as indicated in the disclaimer.(如免责声明所示,本书作者不对使用本书中包含的信息导致的任何损害或伤害承担责任。)
6. This product comes with a disclaimer that explains the possible side-effects and risks associated with its use.(本产品附带的免责声明说明了其使用可能带来的副作用和风险。)
7. The company cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the use of this software, as outlined in the disclaimer.(如免责声明所述,本公司不对使用本软件导致的任何损失或损坏承担责任。)
8. The opinions expressed in this podcast are strictly those of the host, and the podcast network assumes no responsibility for their accuracy, as noted in the disclaimer.(本播客中表达的观点严格来说是主持人个人观点,播客网络对其准确性不承担责任,如免责声明所述。)
9. Before investing in any financial product, please read the disclaimer carefully to understand the risks associated with it.(在投资任何金融产品之前,请仔细阅读免责声明以了解相关风险。)