Pinus rigida是什么意思 Pinus rigida的读音、翻译、用法

Pinus rigida是什么意思 Pinus rigida的读音、翻译、用法

'Pinus rigida'是拉丁语,意为“硬叶松”。

Pinus rigida是一种常见的松树,分布于北美东部。它通常在海滩沙地、沼泽和干燥的山坡上生长。它的树干坚硬,树冠呈圆锥形,叶子呈针状。

以下是9个含有Pinus rigida的例句,使用英语并附上中文翻译:

1. The towering Pinus rigida looked majestic against the clear blue sky.(高耸的硬叶松在晴朗的蓝天下看起来雄伟壮观。)

2. The forest ranger explained that Pinus rigida is an important source of timber.(森林管理员解释说硬叶松是重要的木材来源。)

3. The needles of Pinus rigida are longer than those of other pine trees.(硬叶松的针叶比其他松树的要长。)

4. The resin of Pinus rigida has some medicinal properties.(硬叶松的树脂具有一些药用属性。)

5. Pinus rigida is resistant to insects and disease.(硬叶松对昆虫和疾病有抵抗力。)

6. The logger cut down a Pinus rigida that was over 100 years old.(伐木工砍倒了一棵超过xx岁的硬叶松。)

7. Pinus rigida is a popular choice for landscaping because of its hardiness.(硬叶松因其耐寒性而成为园林景观中受欢迎的选择。)

8. The park ranger pointed out that the cones of Pinus rigida are usually small and round.(公园管理员指出,硬叶松的松果通常很小且圆形。)

9. The local indigenous people used the bark of Pinus rigida for making baskets and mats.(当地土著人使用硬叶松的树皮来制作篮子和席子。)

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