Gargoyles是什么意思 Gargoyles的读音、翻译、用法

Gargoyles是什么意思 Gargoyles的读音、翻译、用法



1. The Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris is famous for its many gargoyles.(巴黎的巴黎圣母院因其许多gargoyle而闻名)

2. The gargoyle on the roof of the building looks like a dragon.(屋顶上的gargoyle看起来像一只龙)

3. The water from the gargoyle spouted out in a smooth, even stream.(gargoyle喷出的水流平稳连续)

4. In medieval times, gargoyles were believed to ward off evil spirits.(在中世纪,人们认为gargoyles可以驱赶邪灵)

5. The artist crafted a beautiful gargoyle out of clay.(这位艺术家用黏土制作了一个美丽的gargoyle)

6. The gargoyle's grotesque expression gave the otherwise beautiful building a sense of danger.(gargoyle的怪异表情为原本美丽的建筑增添了危险感)

7. The gargoyle's open mouth made it look like it was roaring.(gargoyle张开的嘴巴让它看起来像在咆哮)

8. The gargoyles on the old church were worn and weathered from centuries of exposure to the elements.(古老教堂上的gargoyles经过数个世纪的风吹日晒,已经磨损和风化)

9. The students were fascinated by the intricate details of the gargoyles on the building.(学生们对建筑物上gargoyles的精细细节感到着迷)

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