husky是什么意思 husky的读音、翻译、用法

husky是什么意思 husky的读音、翻译、用法


1. 'husky'是英语词汇,意为“哈士奇”。

2. “哈士奇”是一种源自于北极地区的犬种,通常体型较大,毛色为黑白或灰白,具有双层毛质,面部表情独特,通常被作为拖雪橇或牵引货物的工作犬使用。

3. 含有'husky'的9个例句:

- We adopted a husky puppy from the local shelter.(我们从当地收容所收养了一只哈士奇幼犬。)

- The husky sled team raced through the snowy wilderness.(哈士奇雪橇队在雪地荒野上飞快地奔跑着。)

- My neighbor's husky loves to howl at the moon.(我邻居的哈士奇喜欢对着月亮嚎叫。)

- The husky's thick fur kept him warm in the freezing temperatures.(哈士奇的厚毛皮让它在极寒的气温下保持温暖。)

- The husky won first prize in the dog show.(那只哈士奇在狗展中获得了第一名。)

- Huskies are known for their stamina and endurance.(哈士奇以其耐力和持久力而闻名。)

- The sled driver relied on his huskies to navigate the treacherous terrain.(雪橇驾驶员信赖着他的哈士奇在艰险的地形中导航。)

- The husky's piercing blue eyes were mesmerizing.(哈士奇那双深邃的蓝眼睛令人着迷。)

- My friend's husky is incredibly friendly and loves attention.(我朋友的哈士奇非常友好,喜欢受到关注。)

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