1. 'Tianjin'是中国的词语,翻译成英文是"Tianjin"。
2. 'Tianjin'是中国北部的一个城市,它被称为北方的门户,是中国四大直辖市之一。
3. 例句1:在中国旅游,我去了北京、上海和天津。- During my trip in China, I visited Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin.
4. 例句2:天津是中国重要的海港城市,有许多船只在这里停靠。- Tianjin is an important seaport city in China with many ships docking here.
5. 例句3:如果你想要尝尝天津的特色小吃,你一定要试试狗不理包子。- If you want to taste Tianjin's famous snacks, you must try Goubuli baozi.
6. 例句4:天津有许多历史遗迹,如津门楼、古文化街和瓷房子。- Tianjin has many historical sites, such as the Jinmen Gate, Ancient Cultural Street, and Porcelain House.
7. 例句5:天津的天津之眼是一个很受欢迎的旅游景点,它是一个高达120米的摩天轮。- Tianjin Eye in Tianjin is a popular tourist attraction, which is a 120-meter-high Ferris wheel.
8. 例句6:天津的交通网络非常发达,你可以乘坐地铁、公交车或出租车到达各个景点。- The transportation network in Tianjin is very developed, you can take the subway, bus or taxi to reach various attractions.
9. 例句7:在天津的街头巷尾,你可以听到各种各样的方言和口音。- On the streets of Tianjin, you can hear all kinds of dialects and accents.
10. 例句8:天津的气候温和,是适宜居住和旅游的好地方。- The climate in Tianjin is mild, making it a great place to live and travel.
11. 例句9:天津市政府正在致力于打造一个宜居宜业的城市,吸引更多的人才和企业来这里发展。- The Tianjin government is committed to building a livable and business-friendly city, attracting more talent and enterprises to develop here.