1. In the perinatal period, the mother's diet can have a significant impact on the baby's health. (在围产期,母亲的饮食会对婴儿的健康产生重大影响。)
2. Advanced maternal age is a risk factor for perinatal complications. (高龄产妇是围产期并发症的一个风险因素。)
3. The hospital has a perinatal center that specializes in caring for premature infants. (医院设有一个围产期中心,专门负责照顾早产婴儿。)
4. The perinatal mortality rate has decreased significantly in recent years. (近年来,围产期死亡率已显著下降。)
5. Perinatal care is essential for ensuring the health and safety of both mother and baby. (围产期护理对于确保母婴健康和安全至关重要。)
6. The hospital offers a variety of perinatal classes for expectant parents. (医院为准父母提供各种围产期课程。)
7. Perinatal depression is a common but often overlooked condition in new mothers. (围产期抑郁症是新妈妈经常出现但常被忽视的状况。)
8. The perinatal team includes obstetricians, midwives, and neonatal specialists. (围产期团队包括产科医生、接生师和新生儿专家。)
9. Regular prenatal visits can help identify and manage potential perinatal problems. (定期产前检查可以帮助识别和处理潜在的围产期问题。)