1. The artist's talent manifester itself in his beautiful paintings.(这位艺术家的才华在他美丽的画作中得以展现。)
2. The company's policy manifester itself in its hiring practices.(这家公司的政策在其招聘实践中得以体现。)
3. The symptoms of the disease manifester themselves gradually.(这种疾病的症状逐渐显现。)
4. The success of the project manifester itself in the positive feedback from clients.(这个项目的成功在客户的积极反馈中得以体现。)
5. The politician's true intentions manifester themselves in his actions.(这位政治家的真实意图在他的行动中得以显露。)
6. The beauty of nature manifester itself in the stunning sunset.(自然之美在壮丽的日落中得以展现。)
7. The importance of education manifester itself in the achievements of students.(教育的重要性在学生的成就中得以体现。)
8. The emotion manifester itself in the actor's performance.(情感在演员的表演中得以表现。)
9. The diversity of cultures manifester itself in the city's cuisine.(文化的多样性在这座城市的美食中得以体现。)