badaling是什么意思 badaling的读音、翻译、用法

badaling是什么意思 badaling的读音、翻译、用法

'badaling'这个词语来源于汉语中的八达岭,是指中国北京市昌平区的著名旅游景点八达岭长城的名称。八达岭长城是中国古代著名的建筑奇迹之一,也是世界上最著名的旅游景点之一。常见的翻译包括"Badaling Great Wall"、"八达岭长城"、"八达岭长城景区"等。在中文中,"badaling"是一个专有名词,不能用于一般语境。


1. 经过长时间的考查和施工,八达岭长城终于成为了一座伟大的建筑。

After a long period of investigation and construction, the Badaling Great Wall finally became a great building.

2. 八达岭长城是我国最具代表性的旅游景点之一,每年有大量的游客前来参观。

The Badaling Great Wall is one of the most representative tourist attractions in China, and a large number of tourists come to visit it every year.

3. 八达岭长城是一个历史悠久的地方,它见证了中国古代历史上的许多重要事件。

The Badaling Great Wall is a place with a long history, which witnessed many important events in ancient Chinese history.

4. 八达岭长城的风景美不胜收,每到春夏之际,游客们便可欣赏到绝美的景色。

The scenery of the Badaling Great Wall is beautiful. In spring and summer, tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery.

5. 八达岭长城的建筑风格独特,它是中国古代建筑的杰出代表之一。

The architecture style of the Badaling Great Wall is unique, and it is an outstanding representative of ancient Chinese architecture.

6. 八达岭长城是一个很古老的景区,这里的建筑有着悠久的历史。

The Badaling Great Wall is a very ancient scenic area, and the buildings here have a long history.

7. 八达岭长城被誉为“万里长城的精华”,因其古老和壮观而著名。

The Badaling Great Wall is known as the "essence of the Great Wall of China" because of its ancientness and grandeur.

8. 八达岭长城是中国古代防御性建筑的杰作,在全球都享有盛誉。

The Badaling Great Wall is a masterpiece of ancient Chinese defensive architecture and enjoys a high reputation worldwide.

9. 八达岭长城是中国文化的重要象征之一,也是中外游客喜欢的景点之一。

The Badaling Great Wall is one of the important symbols of Chinese culture and is also a popular attraction for Chinese and foreign tourists.

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