1. Rosellinia乃植物的重要病原真菌之一,需要引起高度关注。(简体中文)
Rosellinia is one of the important plant pathogenic fungi, and it should be paid high attention.
2. Rosellinia属种对于果树的繁荣健康有着直接而且严重的影响。(繁体中文)
The species of Rosellinia have a direct and serious impact on the prosperity and health of fruit trees.
3. 有研究表明,茶树上的Rosellinia会导致茶叶产量严重下降。(简体中文)
Studies have shown that Rosellinia on tea trees can lead to a significant reduction in tea production.
4. Rosellinia的防治需要综合采用物理、化学、生物等多种手段。(简体中文)
The prevention and control of Rosellinia need to use a variety of methods, such as physical, chemical, and biological.
5. Rosellinia的病害发生与气候、土壤、植物抗性等因素密切相关。(繁体中文)
The occurrence of Rosellinia disease is closely related to factors such as climate, soil, and plant resistance.
6. 对于Rosellinia感染的果树,需要采取立即而有效的措施。(简体中文)
Immediate and effective measures need to be taken for fruit trees infected with Rosellinia.
7. Rosellinia的研究与防治一直是植物保护领域重要的课题之一。(繁体中文)
The study and control of Rosellinia have always been one of the important issues in the field of plant protection.
8. Rosellinia的发生已经成为影响果树生产的重要病害之一。(简体中文)
The occurrence of Rosellinia has become one of the important diseases affecting fruit tree production.
9. 近年来,针对Rosellinia的防治技术已经有了很大的进展。(简体中文)
In recent years, there has been significant progress in the prevention and control technology of Rosellinia.