1. 在佛教传统中,弥勒佛是未来世界的救世主。(英文:In Buddhist tradition, Maitreya is the savior of the future world.)
2. 弥勒菩萨在中国的佛教中也有很高的地位。(英文:Maitreya Bodhisattva also has a high status in Chinese Buddhism.)
3. 弥勒佛时代被认为是和平、安宁和幸福的时代。(英文:The age of Maitreya Buddha is believed to be a time of peace, tranquility and happiness.)
4. 在印度教中,卡尔基(即弥勒)是维持宇宙平衡的重要神灵。(英文:In Hinduism, Kalki (i.e. Maitreya) is an important deity in maintaining universal balance.)
5. 弥勒佛的到来被视为众生的希望和救赎。(英文:The arrival of Maitreya Buddha is seen as hope and redemption for all beings.)
6. 弥勒菩萨的形象通常是胖胖的,因为这体现了他对众生的慈悲和宽容。(英文:The image of Maitreya Bodhisattva is usually plump, which reflects his compassion and tolerance for all beings.)
7. 在佛教经典中,弥勒佛的教诲被描述为高深而难以理解。(英文:In Buddhist scriptures, the teachings of Maitreya Buddha are described as profound and difficult to understand.)
8. 弥勒佛的到来被视为佛法的新起点,可以带来新的启示。(英文:The arrival of Maitreya Buddha is seen as a new starting point for Buddhism, and can bring new revelations.)
9. 弥勒佛的形象通常被用于佛教艺术中,被刻画成温暖、热情和欢迎的形象。(英文:The image of Maitreya Buddha is often used in Buddhist art, and is depicted as a warm, welcoming and friendly figure.)