peta这个词语来源于英语,意为People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals(人道对待动物组织)。peta是一个国际性的非营利组织,致力于动物权利和福利的宣传和保护。peta的主要活动包括抵制动物实验、反对动物娱乐、推动素食主义、反对穿着动物皮草等。
1. PETA is against the use of animals for testing the safety of products.(PETA反对使用动物测试产品的安全性。)
2. PETA advocates for the ethical treatment of all animals.(PETA主张对所有动物进行道德的对待。)
3. She became a vegetarian after learning about PETA's mission.(她在了解了PETA的使命后成为了素食主义者。)
4. PETA organized a protest against the use of animals in circuses.(PETA组织了一场反对马戏团使用动物的抗议。)
5. Many celebrities support PETA's cause.(许多名人支持PETA的事业。)
6. PETA's slogan is "Animals are not ours to eat, wear or experiment on".(PETA的口号是“动物不是我们的食物、衣物或实验品”。)
7. PETA regularly releases undercover videos showing animal abuse in farms and slaughterhouses.(PETA定期发布揭露农场和屠宰场动物虐待的卧底视频。)
8. PETA calls for a ban on the use of fur in fashion.(PETA呼吁禁止在时尚界使用动物皮草。)
9. PETA offers a guide to help people transition to a vegan lifestyle.(PETA提供了一份指南,帮助人们过渡到素食主义生活方式。)