'Data Warehouse'是美国的词语,中文翻译为“数据仓库”,是用于集中存储、管理和分析企业数据的一种信息系统。数据仓库能够将来自不同来源的数据进行整合,并将其转化为可用于决策和分析的格式。数据仓库的主要作用是提供决策支持和业务智能,帮助企业更好地了解自身业务和市场环境。
1. Data Warehouse可以提高企业决策的精确度和效率。
(Data Warehouse can improve the accuracy and efficiency of enterprise decision-making.)
2. 数据仓库的建立需要考虑数据的存储、抽取和分析等方面。
(The establishment of a Data Warehouse requires consideration of aspects such as data storage, extraction and analysis.)
3. 数据仓库的成功建立需要依赖高效的ETL工具。
(The successful establishment of a Data Warehouse relies on efficient ETL tools.)
4. 数据仓库对于企业管理和决策具有重要意义。
(Data Warehouse is of great significance to enterprise management and decision-making.)
5. 数据仓库可以整合来自不同系统的数据,帮助企业分析业务情况和趋势。
(Data Warehouse can integrate data from different systems to help enterprises analyze business conditions and trends.)
6. 数据仓库的设计需要根据企业的具体需求和数据特点进行定制化。
(The design of Data Warehouse needs to be customized according to the specific needs and data characteristics of enterprises.)
7. 数据仓库需要保证数据的准确性和一致性,避免出现数据错乱或重复。
(Data Warehouse needs to ensure the accuracy and consistency of data to avoid data confusion or duplication.)
8. 数据仓库的建设需要长期的投入和维护,以保证其持续有效地为企业服务。
(The construction of Data Warehouse requires long-term investment and maintenance to ensure its continued effective service to enterprises.)
9. 数据仓库可以帮助企业实现业务创新和竞争优势。
(Data Warehouse can help enterprises achieve business innovation and competitive advantages.)