1. Hedysarum coronarium is a plant species in the family Fabaceae, native to the Mediterranean region.
璎珞豆(Hedysarum coronarium)是豆科植物,原产地为地中海地区。
2. Hedysarum mandschuricum is a herbaceous perennial plant with a woody rhizome, found in China and Korea.
满洲车轴草(Hedysarum mandschuricum)是一种多年生草本植物,带有木本根茎,分布于中国和朝鲜。
3. Hedysarum densiflorum is a species of flowering plant in the pea family, native to western North America.
致密花车轴草(Hedysarum densiflorum)是豆科植物,原产于北美洲西部。
4. The roots of Hedysarum alpinum are traditionally used in Mongolia for medicinal purposes.
高山车轴草(Hedysarum alpinum)的根在蒙古传统上用于药用。
5. Hedysarum neglectum is an invasive species in North America, introduced from Europe.
忽略车轴草(Hedysarum neglectum)是一种入侵物种,在北美洲引入自欧洲。
6. Hedysarum boreale, also known as northern sweetvetch, is a common plant in Alaska and northern Canada.
北车轴草(Hedysarum boreale),又称北部甜荚豆,是阿拉斯加和加拿大北部常见的植物。
7. The leaves of Hedysarum sulphurescens can be used as a dye to produce a yellow color.
硫黄车轴草(Hedysarum sulphurescens)的叶子可以用作染料,制成黄色。
8. Hedysarum rupicola is a rare species found only in the mountains of Iran.
岩生车轴草(Hedysarum rupicola)是一种罕见物种,仅分布于伊朗山区。
9. Hedysarum multijugum is a shrub with pink flowers, found in the Andes mountains of South America.
多叶车轴草(Hedysarum multijugum)是一种灌木,带有粉色花朵,分布于南美洲的安第斯山脉。