'Gary Snyder'这个词语来源于英语。它通常翻译为“加里·斯奈德”,是美国最著名的诗人、思想家和环保主义者之一。他的作品以自然、文化和人类学为中心,主题涉及亚洲文化和思想,以及环境保护和可持续发展等议题。
以下是包含“Gary Snyder”的9个例句:
1. Gary Snyder's poetry is deeply rooted in the natural world.(加里·斯奈德的诗歌深深扎根于自然世界。)
2. Many environmental activists have been inspired by Gary Snyder's writings.(许多环保主义者受到加里·斯奈德的著作的启发。)
3. Gary Snyder's work has been translated into many languages around the world.(加里·斯奈德的作品已经被翻译成了世界上许多语言。)
4. In his writing, Gary Snyder draws on both Eastern and Western philosophies.(在他的写作中,加里·斯奈德汲取了东西方哲学的精华。)
5. Gary Snyder was a key figure in the Beat literary movement.(加里·斯奈德是“垮掉派”文学运动中的重要人物。)
6. The poems of Gary Snyder often celebrate the beauty and power of the natural world.(加里·斯奈德的诗歌通常颂扬自然界的美丽和力量。)
7. Gary Snyder's writing reflects his deep interest in Zen Buddhism.(加里·斯奈德的写作反映了他对禅宗佛教的浓厚兴趣。)
8. Gary Snyder has been recognized with numerous awards for his contributions to literature and environmentalism.(加里·斯奈德因其在文学和环保方面的贡献而获得了众多奖项的认可。)
9. Many of Gary Snyder's poems explore the connections between human beings and the natural world.(加里·斯奈德的许多诗歌探索了人类和自然世界之间的联系。)