'Genes' 是英语单词,可以翻译为“基因”。基因是生物体内遗传信息的基本单位,是DNA (脱氧核糖核酸) 分子的一部分。
1. My genes determine my hair and eye color. (我的基因决定了我的头发和眼睛颜色。)
2. Genetics is the study of genes and heredity. (遗传学是研究基因和遗传的学科。)
3. The mutation in his genes caused the disease. (他基因中的突变导致了这种疾病。)
4. Gene therapy is a promising new treatment for genetic diseases. (基因治疗是遗传性疾病的一种有前途的新治疗方法。)
5. Each parent contributes half of their genes to their offspring. (每个父母向后代贡献了一半的基因。)
6. Scientists are working to identify the genes responsible for certain diseases. (科学家们正在努力鉴定导致某些疾病的基因。)
7. Different species have different genes that determine their physical characteristics. (不同的物种有不同的基因,决定了它们的身体特征。)
8. The discovery of the double helix structure of DNA revolutionized our understanding of genes. (发现 DNA 的双螺旋结构革命了我们对基因的理解。)
9. Genetic engineering allows us to manipulate genes to create new traits in plants and animals. (基因工程使我们能够操纵基因,在植物和动物中创造新特征。)