'Jeff Goldblum'这个词语来源于英语。它指的是美国演员Jeffrey Lynn Goldblum,常见的中文翻译为“杰夫·高布伦”或“杰夫·戈德布拉姆”。他曾参演多部知名电影,比如《侏罗纪公园》、《蝴蝶效应》等。
以下是含有'Jeff Goldblum'的9个英文例句及中文翻译:
1. Jeff Goldblum's acting in 'Jurassic Park' was simply amazing.(杰夫·高布伦在《侏罗纪公园》中的表演简直惊人。)
2. Have you watched Jeff Goldblum's latest movie?(你看过杰夫·高布伦最新的电影吗?)
3. Jeff Goldblum is known for his unique sense of humor.(杰夫·高布伦以其独特的幽默感而闻名。)
4. I admire Jeff Goldblum's ability to play a wide range of characters.(我很欣赏杰夫·高布伦在扮演各种角色方面的能力。)
5. The movie 'Independence Day' wouldn't be the same without Jeff Goldblum.(没有杰夫·高布伦,电影《独立日》就不会是那个样子。)
6. Did you know that Jeff Goldblum is also a talented musician?(你知道杰夫·高布伦也是一位有才华的音乐家吗?)
7. Jeff Goldblum's charm is undeniable.(杰夫·高布伦的魅力不可抗拒。)
8. I can't wait to see Jeff Goldblum in his upcoming movie.(我迫不及待地想看杰夫·高布伦的新电影。)
9. Jeff Goldblum's performance in 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' was praised by critics.(杰夫·高布伦在《布达佩斯大饭店》中的表演得到了评论家的赞扬。)