trichophyton是什么意思 trichophyton的读音、翻译、用法

trichophyton是什么意思 trichophyton的读音、翻译、用法



1. Trichophyton是一种令人不快的真菌,会引起严重的感染。

(Trichophyton is an unpleasant type of fungus that can cause severe infections.)

2. 具有高度传染性的指甲真菌常常是Trichophyton属的一种。

(Highly contagious nail fungus is often a species of Trichophyton.)

3. 足底和指甲Trichophyton感染非常普遍。

(Trichophyton infections are very common on the soles of the feet and nails.)

4. 头发的Trichophyton感染可能会导致头皮瘙痒和脱发。

(A Trichophyton infection of the hair may cause itchy scalp and hair loss.)

5. Trichophyton的研究对于治疗真菌感染非常重要。

(Research on Trichophyton is important for treating fungal infections.)

6. Trichophyton往往在温暖潮湿的环境中生长得更好。

(Trichophyton often thrives in warm, humid environments.)

7. Trichophyton的感染可能需要长时间的治疗。

(Treating a Trichophyton infection may require a long-term treatment.)

8. 抗真菌药物通常可用于治疗Trichophyton感染。

(Antifungal drugs are often used to treat Trichophyton infections.)

9. Trichophyton感染可以通过保持皮肤清洁和干燥来预防。

(Trichophyton infections can be prevented by keeping the skin clean and dry.)

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