Tonghua是什么意思 Tonghua的读音、翻译、用法

Tonghua是什么意思 Tonghua的读音、翻译、用法

1. "Tonghua"是中国的汉语拼音,可以翻译为"同化"。

2. "Tonghua"常用于地名或人名中。

3. 例句:


His name is Tonghua, which means assimilation.


I have been to Tonghua City, Jilin Province, China.


This is a song about Tonghua City.


I had a delicious meal at a small restaurant in Tonghua.


The scenery of Tonghua is beautiful, especially in autumn.


I am learning the Tonghua dialect.


This story takes place in a small mountain village in Tonghua.


Tonghua has many historical sites worth visiting.


Tonghua is a city full of vitality and potential.

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