1. Dactylogyrus是导致鱼类疾病的主要原因之一。
(Dactylogyrus is one of the main causes of fish diseases.)
2. 为了保护水产养殖业,必须对Dactylogyrus进行有效控制。
(Effective control of Dactylogyrus is necessary to protect aquaculture.)
3. Dactylogyrus通常寄生在鱼类鳃部。
(Dactylogyrus usually parasitizes on the gills of fish.)
4. 如果不及时治疗,Dactylogyrus会导致鱼类死亡。
(If left untreated, Dactylogyrus can cause fish death.)
5. 专业的兽医可以诊断出鱼类是否感染了Dactylogyrus。
(A professional veterinarian can diagnose whether fish are infected with Dactylogyrus.)
6. 水产养殖业必须采取措施,防止Dactylogyrus的扩散。
(The aquaculture industry must take measures to prevent the spread of Dactylogyrus.)
7. Dactylogyrus的寄生会导致鱼类体表产生黏液,影响鱼类生长。
(The parasitism of Dactylogyrus can cause fish to produce mucus on their body surface, affecting their growth.)
8. 饲养环境的卫生和消毒可以有效防止Dactylogyrus的感染。
(Hygiene and disinfection of the breeding environment can effectively prevent Dactylogyrus infection.)
9. 鱼类疫病的控制必须针对Dactylogyrus进行治疗。
(The control of fish diseases must treat Dactylogyrus specifically.)