1. Xylohypha属于木材分解菌中最常见的一类。
(Xylohypha is one of the most common types of wood-decaying fungi.)
2. 该研究探讨了黑色木霉菌和Xylohypha之间的差异。
(The study investigated the differences between black mold and Xylohypha.)
3. Xylohypha的生长需求日渐明显,可以通过不同的培养基满足其需求。
(The growth requirements of Xylohypha are becoming increasingly clear and can be met with different culture media.)
4. Xylohypha可以产生多种酶类,参与木材分解过程。
(Xylohypha can produce a variety of enzymes that participate in the process of wood decomposition.)
5. 在某些条件下,Xylohypha可以产生有机酸和气体。
(Under certain conditions, Xylohypha can produce organic acids and gases.)
6. 该研究证明Xylohypha可以抑制其他木材分解菌的生长。
(The study demonstrated that Xylohypha can inhibit the growth of other wood-decaying fungi.)
7. Xylohypha在不同的环境中表现出不同的特性。
(Xylohypha exhibits different characteristics in different environments.)
8. Xylohypha是森林生态系统中不可或缺的部分之一。
(Xylohypha is an indispensable part of forest ecosystems.)
9. 有研究表明Xylohypha可以被用作环境污染控制的一种手段。
(Studies have shown that Xylohypha can be used as a means of environmental pollution control.)