'Cai Lun' 是汉语词汇,翻译成英文是 'Cai Lun' 或 'Ts'ai Lun'。它是古代中国造纸术的发明者之一,被誉为纸的发明者之父。
以下是9个含有 'Cai Lun' 的例句:
1. 传说中,Cai Lun 是中国古代著名的发明家和学者。
Legend has it that Cai Lun was a famous inventor and scholar in ancient China.
2. Cai Lun 的发明为人类文明的进步做出了巨大贡献。
Cai Lun's invention made great contributions to the advancement of human civilization.
3. 在古代中国,Cai Lun 发明的造纸术被广泛应用于书写、书画等领域。
In ancient China, Cai Lun's invention of papermaking was widely used in the fields of writing, painting, etc.
4. Cai Lun 的造纸术在世界各地都得到了广泛传播和应用。
Cai Lun's papermaking technique has been widely spread and applied around the world.
5. Cai Lun 是中国历史上最重要的发明家之一。
Cai Lun is one of the most important inventors in Chinese history.
6. 今天,Cai Lun 的发明仍然是现代文明的基石之一。
Today, Cai Lun's invention is still one of the cornerstones of modern civilization.
7. 历史书上记载,Cai Lun 的纸张质量非常高,被誉为世界上最好的纸张之一。
Historical records show that Cai Lun's paper had a very high quality and was considered one of the best in the world.
8. 传说 Cai Lun 在发明造纸术时,不仅耗费了大量时间和精力,还不惜牺牲了自己的健康。
Legend has it that Cai Lun not only spent a lot of time and energy on inventing papermaking, but also sacrificed his own health.
9. Cai Lun 的影响在中国文化和历史上是不可磨灭的。
Cai Lun's influence in Chinese culture and history is indelible.