1. Spongospora subterranea是一种危害马铃薯产业的真菌病原体。
(英语:Spongospora subterranea is a fungal pathogen that poses a threat to the potato industry.)
2. 这个地区的油菜作物常常受到Spongospora的侵害。
(中文:Mustard crops in this region are often affected by Spongospora.)
3. 通过控制Spongospora的繁殖,可以降低马铃薯的感染率。
(中文:By controlling the proliferation of Spongospora, the infection rate of potatoes can be reduced.)
4. 研究发现,Spongospora subterranea在土壤中可以存活数年。
(英语:Research has found that Spongospora subterranea can survive for several years in soil.)
5. 农民们高度警惕Spongospora对作物的威胁。
(中文:Farmers are highly vigilant about the threat of Spongospora to their crops.)
6. 该地区的油菜种植面积因Spongospora的影响而减少。
(中文:The area planted with mustard in the region has decreased due to the impact of Spongospora.)
7. 有学者利用基因编辑技术研究Spongospora的致病机理。
(中文:Some scholars use gene editing technology to study the pathogenic mechanism of Spongospora.)
8. 这个国家开展了多项研究,旨在解决Spongospora带来的农业问题。
(中文:This country has carried out various studies aimed at addressing the agricultural issues caused by Spongospora.)
9. 鉴于Spongospora的危害,加强病害监测至关重要。
(中文:Given the threat posed by Spongospora, it is crucial to strengthen disease monitoring.)