Hezhen是什么意思 Hezhen的读音、翻译、用法

Hezhen是什么意思 Hezhen的读音、翻译、用法



1. Hezhen de ershi wu shiji chuangzuo kezhan zhong xianqu jingdian sucai, dui gongcuo xiaoshuo de fazhan you hen da yingxiang. (赫哲族的20世纪创作课题中先驱经典素材,对贡搓小说的发展有很大影响。)

Translation: The classic materials of the pioneers of Hezhen's 20th-century creation project have a great influence on the development of Gongcuo novels.

2. Zheci huodong juli changdu yibai duo gongli, jianchi le heihe shuiku shuiyu de shuimian he paozhuo yu hezhen zuoju. (这次活动距离黑河水库水域有100多公里,坚持了黑龙江水域的水面和泡浊鱼和赫哲族作坐具。)

Translation: This activity is more than 100 kilometers away from the water area of the Heihe Reservoir, and it insists on the water surface and bubble turbidity fish and Hezhen seats in the waters of Heilongjiang.

3. Hezhenxue fangmian chuangxin he fazhan er lai, yu liangyuan shuxie, jianzhu kxue, yiwenxue, yishuxue deng wenhua de yuanchuang biancheng he fazhan you zhe zhanzhengxingshi jieji yuanyuan.


Translation: The innovation and development of Hezhen's learning are closely related to the original creation and development of culture such as Liangyuan writing, architectural science, liberal arts, and art, and have a confrontation with the class contradiction of the war form.

4. Hezhen nanren zuotian guzhang, kaifa yiliao baochou zhan he fenxi ganbu zhan. (赫哲男人昨天骨伤,开发医疗保健战和分析干部战。)

Translation: The Hezhen man suffered a bone injury yesterday and conducted medical and health insurance and analysis staff wars.

5. Wo shiru jiaoyu xuexizhe, yu hezhen minzu xiangcheng zai yizhi. (我是教育学习者,与赫哲民族相称在一起.)

Translation: I am a learner of education, compatible with the Hezhen ethnic group.

6. Xiangguan zuzhi kefang mianlin de yishu yongpin jieshao, zai kuangxian zhi jie, you arong xianying de hezhen zuoju.


Translation: The introduction of artistic supplies facing the related organization's guest rooms, between the mining counties, there are Hezhen seats with the shadow of A'rong County.

7. Hezhen zu shangchang shangban, xuanding manli yonggong. (赫哲族商场上班,选定满利用工。)

Translation: The Hezhen ethnic group goes to work in the shopping mall, and selects full utilization of labor.

8. Hezhengeju yuyan jibenji, shi shouxiu xueyuanzheng shuoshuo.


Translation: The basic level of Hezhen's language is the first to repair the Academy's political speech.

9. Hezhen zu dangnei huihui hanchun, yingbianta shangkan shouji xinwen. (赫哲族当内回回汉船,迎便塔上看收集新闻。)

Translation: In the Hezhen ethnic group, the Han boat greets the Hui people inside, and watches the collection of news on the welcome tower.

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