Yanshi是什么意思 Yanshi的读音、翻译、用法

Yanshi是什么意思 Yanshi的读音、翻译、用法



1. 偃师是中国历史文化名城之一。

Yanshi is one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China.

2. 偃师拥有丰富的石器文化遗产。

Yanshi has abundant cultural heritage of stone tools.

3. 偃师出土了许多商代的甲骨文。

Many oracle bones from the Shang Dynasty have been unearthed in Yanshi.

4. 偃师市的经济以制瓷业和纺织业为主。

The economy of Yanshi is mainly based on porcelain and textile industries.

5. 今天我去偃师参观了青铜器博物馆。

Today I visited the Bronze Museum in Yanshi.

6. 偃师是河南省的一座古城。

Yanshi is an ancient city in Henan Province.

7. 偃师的陶瓷工艺历史悠久,技艺精湛。

Yanshi has a long history of ceramic craftsmanship and exquisite skills.

8. 在偃师,你可以品尝到地道的豫菜。

In Yanshi, you can taste authentic Henan cuisine.

9. 偃师的古建筑和历史遗迹吸引了众多游客前来参观。

The ancient buildings and historical relics in Yanshi attract many tourists to visit.

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