1. 日莲上人在13世纪创建了法相宗这个佛教宗派。
Nichiren created the Hokke sect of Buddhism in the 13th century.
2. 我们可以通过研究日莲上人的思想来深入了解日本文化。
We can gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture by studying the philosophy of Nichiren.
3. 日莲上人的经典著作《法华经讲義》是他的精神遗产。
The classic work of Nichiren, "Lectures on the Lotus Sutra," is his spiritual legacy.
4. 在日本,许多人仍然信仰日莲上人创立的法相宗。
In Japan, many people still believe in the Hokke sect founded by Nichiren.
5. 日莲上人生前面对的困难使他的信仰更加坚定。
The difficulties Nichiren faced in his lifetime strengthened his faith.
6. 日莲上人的哲学强调顿悟和信仰的力量。
Nichiren's philosophy emphasizes the power of enlightenment and faith.
7. 很多人参拜日莲上人的圣地以祈求好运和健康。
Many people visit the holy sites of Nichiren to pray for good luck and health.
8. 日莲上人的教义被认为是日本佛教历史上的一大里程碑。
Nichiren's teachings are considered a major milestone in the history of Japanese Buddhism.
9. 日莲上人的教导影响了日本的文化和社会发展。
The teachings of Nichiren have had a significant impact on the cultural and social development of Japan.