1. The portal to the secret garden was hidden behind a large bush.(这个通往秘密花园的门户藏在一大丛灌木后面。)
2. The company's employee portal allows workers to access important information and documents.(公司的员工门户允许员工访问重要的信息和文件。)
3. The ancient city's portal was a grand archway made of stone.(古城的门户是一个由石头造成的宏伟拱门。)
4. The portal provides a seamless experience for users who want to switch between different applications.(这个门户为想要在不同应用程序之间切换的用户提供了无缝体验。)
5. The college portal is where students can sign up for classes and view their grades.(大学门户是学生可以注册课程和查看成绩的地方。)
6. The portal to the castle's great hall was guarded by two imposing knights.(通往城堡大厅的门户由两个威严的骑士守卫。)
7. The online shopping portal offers a wide selection of products at competitive prices.(在线购物门户以竞争性价格提供广泛的产品选择。)
8. The hospital's patient portal allows patients to view their medical records and communicate with their doctors.(医院的患者门户允许患者查看他们的医疗记录并与医生沟通。)
9. The portal to the magical world was hidden in a bookshelf, accessible only to those who knew the secret.(通往神奇世界的门户藏在书架上,只有知道秘密的人才能进入。)