'Sorbus aucuparia'是拉丁语,指的是一种常见的欧洲山楂树。中文常称为欧洲刺梨、欧洲花楸等。它是一种常见的落叶乔木,高度一般在10-15米之间,树冠较为繁茂,花和果实较为醒目,果实可食用,也可用于制作果酱和酒精。
以下是9个含有'Sorbus aucuparia'的例句:
1. Sorbus aucuparia是从20世纪初起就被广泛种植在欧洲各地。
(Sorbus aucuparia has been widely planted across Europe since the beginning of the 20th century.)
2. 由于Sorbus aucuparia的果实非常受鸟类喜爱,因此这种树很常见于公园和花园中。
(Sorbus aucuparia is a common tree in parks and gardens, as its fruits are popular with birds.)
3. Sorbus aucuparia常常在秋季的时候变得非常美丽,它的树冠会变成金黄色、红色甚至是紫色。
(Sorbus aucuparia often becomes very beautiful in autumn, with its canopy turning golden, red or even purple.)
4. Sorbus aucuparia的树皮和叶子可以用于制作一些传统的中药。
(The bark and leaves of Sorbus aucuparia can be used to make some traditional Chinese medicine.)
5. Sorbus aucuparia的果实在烹饪中可以用来制作很多不同的美食,如果酱和蛋糕。
(The fruits of Sorbus aucuparia can be used to make many different delicacies in cooking, such as jam and cakes.)
6. Sorbus aucuparia的茎干可以用来制造木制家具。
(The stems of Sorbus aucuparia can be used to make wooden furniture.)
7. Sorbus aucuparia是一种较为常见的生态系统工程植物,它能够帮助改善土壤和水质。
(Sorbus aucuparia is a common ecosystem engineering plant that can help improve soil and water quality.)
8. 由于Sorbus aucuparia的果实和叶子对家畜和某些野生动物有毒性,因此不应将其用作饲料。
(As the fruits and leaves of Sorbus aucuparia are toxic to livestock and some wild animals, they should not be used as feed.)
9. Sorbus aucuparia在英国被称为Rowan,它是一种非常受欢迎的街景树种。
(In the UK, Sorbus aucuparia is known as Rowan, and is a popular tree for street planting.)