1. Compsognathus是一个有着美丽外表的小型肉食性恐龙。
Compsognathus is a small carnivorous dinosaur with beautiful appearance.
2. 侏罗纪时期的Compsognathus生活在现今的欧洲。
Compsognathus lived in Europe during the Jurassic period.
3. 由于体型较小,Compsognathus被认为是恐龙中最可爱的一种。
Due to its small size, Compsognathus is considered to be the cutest dinosaur.
4. Compsognathus被认为是史前世界中速度最快的动物之一。
Compsognathus is considered one of the fastest animals in the prehistoric world.
5. 许多人认为Compsognathus是流星撞击地球导致恐龙灭绝的一个受害者。
Many people believe that Compsognathus was one of the victims of the meteor impact that caused the extinction of dinosaurs.
6. 许多关于Compsognathus的科学研究都集中在化石的发现和解析上。
Much of the scientific research on Compsognathus focuses on the discovery and analysis of its fossils.
7. Compsognathus的牙齿很锋利,适合捕猎小动物。
Compsognathus had sharp teeth that were suited for hunting small animals.
8. Compsognathus是一种非常敏捷的动物,能够灵活地跑动和跳跃。
Compsognathus was a very agile animal that could move and jump with great flexibility.
9. Compsognathus可能是一种群居动物,这意味着它们可能会形成小群体生活在一起。
Compsognathus may have been a social animal, which means they may have formed small groups to live together.