aspiration是什么意思 aspiration的读音、翻译、用法

aspiration是什么意思 aspiration的读音、翻译、用法



1. My greatest aspiration in life is to become a successful entrepreneur. (我一生最大的抱负是成为一名成功的企业家。)

2. She has always had an aspiration to become a professional musician. (她一直以来都渴望成为一名专业音乐家。)

3. The company's aspiration is to become a leading player in the technology industry. (该公司的志向是成为科技行业的领军企业。)

4. He took a deep breath and felt a sense of aspiration as he absorbed the fresh air. (他深吸一口气,感受到了吸入新鲜空气的愉悦。)

5. Our team's aspiration is to win the championship this season. (我们的团队志在本季夺取冠军。)

6. The school encourages students to have high aspirations and strive for their dreams. (学校鼓励学生树立高远的志向,努力追求梦想。)

7. His aspiration to become a doctor was driven by his desire to help people. (他渴望成为一名医生是因为他想要帮助别人。)

8. The young artist's aspiration to create a masterpiece led him to spend countless hours in his studio. (年轻艺术家为了创作一件杰作,在工作室里花费了数不清的时间。)

9. The charity organization's aspiration is to provide assistance to those in need around the world. (这个慈善组织的目标是向全球需要帮助的人们提供援助。)

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