Speedway是什么意思 Speedway的读音、翻译、用法

Speedway是什么意思 Speedway的读音、翻译、用法

'Speedway' 是英语词汇,中文翻译为“赛车道”,指的是专门用于摩托车或汽车比赛的椭圆形赛道。




1. He crashed his motorcycle while racing on the speedway. (他在赛车道上比赛时摔了一跤。)

2. The speedway was packed with enthusiastic fans. (赛车道上挤满了热情的粉丝。)

3. She won the first prize in the speedway competition. (她在赛车道比赛中获得了第一名。)

4. The speedway was closed due to heavy rain. (由于暴雨,赛车道关闭了。)

5. The speedway is famous for hosting the annual motorcycle Grand Prix. (这个赛车道以承办年度摩托车大奖赛而闻名。)

6. He has set a new record on the speedway. (他在赛车道上创造了新的纪录。)

7. They poured a fresh layer of asphalt on the speedway. (他们在赛车道上倒了一层新的沥青。)

8. The speedway was built in the 1950s. (这个赛车道建于xx年代。)

9. The speedway is located on the outskirts of the city. (这个赛车道位于城市的郊区。)

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