1. Graminella nigrifrons is a major pest of wheat and barley in western North America.(Graminella nigrifrons是北美西部小麦和大麦的主要害虫。)
2. The feeding activity of Graminella nigrifrons can lead to stunting and reduced yields in crops.(Graminella nigrifrons的进食活动可能导致作物生长受阻和产量下降。)
3. Farmers often use insecticides to control populations of Graminella nigrifrons.(农民通常使用杀虫剂来控制Graminella nigrifrons的数量。)
4. The life cycle of Graminella nigrifrons includes four nymphal stages and an adult stage.(Graminella nigrifrons的生命周期包括四个若虫期和一个成虫期。)
5. Graminella nigrifrons overwinters as an adult in plant debris or soil.(Graminella nigrifrons在植物残骸或土壤中以成虫过冬。)
6. The eggs of Graminella nigrifrons are laid in the sheaths of young grass leaves.(Graminella nigrifrons的卵产在幼嫩的草叶鞘中。)
7. In some areas, natural predators of Graminella nigrifrons, such as lacewings and lady beetles, help to keep populations in check.(在一些地区,Graminella nigrifrons的天敌,如蚜蝇和瓢虫,有助于控制种群数量。)
8. Research is underway to develop new strategies for managing Graminella nigrifrons populations without relying on insecticides.(正在开展研究,开发不依赖杀虫剂的管理Graminella nigrifrons种群的新策略。)
9. The economic impact of Graminella nigrifrons on agriculture can be significant, as it can reduce yields and require costly control measures.(Graminella nigrifrons对农业的经济影响可能相当大,因为它会导致产量下降,需要昂贵的控制措施。)