1. The patient required intubation during the surgery.(患者手术中需要气管插管。)
2. Intubation is a common procedure used in emergency medicine.(气管插管是急诊医学中常见的操作。)
3. The anesthesiologist performed intubation before the surgery began.(麻醉师在手术开始前进行了气管插管。)
4. The doctor recommended intubation for the patient with severe respiratory distress.(医生建议对呼吸急促的重症患者进行气管插管。)
5. The nurse monitored the patient's vital signs during the intubation process.(护士在气管插管过程中监测患者的生命体征。)
6. The patient experienced discomfort after the intubation procedure.(患者在气管插管后感到不适。)
7. Complications such as infection or bleeding can occur with intubation.(气管插管可能会导致感染或出血等并发症。)
8. The emergency medical technician was trained in intubation techniques.(急救医师接受了气管插管技术的培训。)
9. The patient's family was informed about the risks and benefits of intubation before giving consent.(在取得同意前,家属被告知了气管插管的风险和收益。)