1. Pamir是一个位于亚洲中部的高山地区,主要分布在塔吉克斯坦、阿富汗、巴基斯坦和中国西部的喀喇昆仑山脉中。
2. Pamir在塔吉克语中意为“高地”。
3. "Pamir" is a term from Tajikistan, which means "highland" in Tajik language. It refers to the Pamir plateau, a high mountainous region located in Central Asia, mainly distributed in Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the western part of China's Karakoram Mountains.
4. Pamir高原是一个被誉为“天堂之路”的地方,被誉为“山地中的草原和草原中的高山”。
The Pamir plateau is known as the “road to heaven” and is known as “grasslands in the mountains and high mountains in the grasslands”.
5. Pamir是塔吉克斯坦的国家象征之一,被印在国旗上。
Pamir is one of the national symbols of Tajikistan and is printed on the national flag.
6. Pamir的主峰是伊斯玛义·萨马尼峰,海拔7,495米,是中亚最高的山脉之一。
The main peak of Pamir is Ismail Samani Peak, with an altitude of 7,495 meters, which is one of the highest mountains in Central Asia.
7. 在塔吉克斯坦,Pamir高原是重要的畜牧业和天然资源开发区。
In Tajikistan, the Pamir plateau is an important area for animal husbandry and natural resource development.
8. 喀拉昆仑公路穿越了Pamir高原,是中国边境地区最重要的公路之一。
The Karakoram Highway crosses the Pamir plateau and is one of the most important roads in China's border areas.
9. Pamir高原的美丽景色吸引了众多的探险家和旅游者前来探访。
The beautiful scenery of the Pamir plateau attracts many adventurers and tourists to visit.