1. 词语来自美国,中文翻译为“思科系统”。
2. Cisco Systems是一家全球知名的网络设备提供商,提供网络硬件、软件和服务,用于数据中心、企业、家庭和移动网络等领域。
3. 以下是9个含有"Cisco Systems"的例句:
- Cisco Systems是全球领先的网络设备供应商。
(Cisco Systems is a worldwide leader in network equipment supply.)
- 我们在公司使用的是Cisco Systems的交换机和路由器。
(We use Cisco Systems' switches and routers in our company.)
- 某些Cisco Systems的产品已经达到了智能家居标准。
(Some Cisco Systems products have reached the standards of smart home.)
- Cisco Systems的安全解决方案可以帮助企业保护网络和数据安全。
(Cisco Systems' security solutions can help enterprises protect network and data security.)
- Cisco Systems正在进行的研究和开发将会改变整个行业。
(The ongoing research and development of Cisco Systems will change the entire industry.)
- 该公司已发布一份关于网络安全的白皮书,名为"Cisco Systems的网络安全建议"。
(The company has released a white paper on network security called "Cisco Systems' network security recommendations".)
- Cisco Systems的视频会议解决方案可以帮助企业远程协作。
(Cisco Systems' video conferencing solutions can help enterprises collaborate remotely.)
- 该公司的最新产品将会推动智能城市的发展。
(The company's latest product will push the development of smart cities.)
- Cisco Systems在中国拥有广泛的客户群体,并且已经建立了多个合作伙伴关系。
(Cisco Systems has a wide customer base in China and has established multiple partnership relationships.)