Monocystis是什么意思 Monocystis的读音、翻译、用法

Monocystis是什么意思 Monocystis的读音、翻译、用法



1. The presence of Monocystis in the host's gut can lead to reduced reproductive success.(寄主肠道中存在Monocystis会导致繁殖成功率降低。)

2. Some Monocystis species infect and harm earthworms.(一些Monocystis物种感染并伤害蚯蚓。)

3. The life cycle of Monocystis involves both asexual and sexual reproduction.(Monocystis的生命周期涉及无性和有性繁殖。)

4. Infected snails can host Monocystis in their tissues.(受感染的蜗牛可以在其组织中寄生Monocystis。)

5. Monocystis is a genus of parasitic worms, found in a wide range of invertebrate hosts.(Monocystis是一类寄生虫,发现于广泛的无脊椎动物寄主中。)

6. The spores of Monocystis are spread through the feces of infected hosts.(Monocystis的孢子通过感染寄主的粪便传播。)

7. In some species of planarians, Monocystis can cause the host to grow abnormally large.(在某些扁虫物种中,Monocystis可以导致寄主异常增大。)

8. The study found that Monocystis infection was more common in older snails.(研究发现,Monocystis感染在老年蜗牛中更常见。)

9. Monocystis can have negative effects on the fitness and survival of some invertebrate hosts.(Monocystis对某些无脊椎动物寄主的健康和存活有负面影响。)

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