Enchytraeidae是什么意思 Enchytraeidae的读音、翻译、用法

Enchytraeidae是什么意思 Enchytraeidae的读音、翻译、用法



1. Enchytraeidae是一种重要的土壤生物。

(Enchytraeidae is an important soil organism.)

2. Enchytraeidae的分布范围广泛,可见于全球各地。

(Enchytraeidae has a wide distribution and can be found all over the world.)

3. Enchytraeidae对土壤生态系统具有重要影响。

(Enchytraeidae has an important impact on soil ecological system.)

4. Enchytraeidae可以作为一种生态指标来评估土壤的健康状况。

(Enchytraeidae can be used as an ecological indicator to evaluate the health status of soil.)

5. Enchytraeidae在水土保持和有机质分解中发挥重要作用。

(Enchytraeidae plays an important role in soil conservation and organic matter decomposition.)

6. 关于Enchytraeidae的生物学特征,我们还有很多待探索的领域。

(There are still many areas to explore about the biological characteristics of Enchytraeidae.)

7. 在生态系统中,Enchytraeidae在不同地理区域和不同土壤类型中的生态适应性不同。

(In ecological systems, Enchytraeidae has different ecological adaptability in different geographical regions and soil types.)

8. Enchytraeidae的数量和多样性对土壤生物学过程产生重要影响。

(The quantity and diversity of Enchytraeidae have an important impact on soil biological processes.)

9. Enchytraeidae不仅对土壤生态系统有影响,也对其他生态系统的健康状况有影响。

(Enchytraeidae not only has an impact on soil ecological system, but also on the health status of other ecological systems.)

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